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Join the premier and growing online dating site dedicated to Black women and the men, of all cultural backgrounds, that are interested in dating Black women.

About Us

Because Black Love Matters!

~Be a part of the growing and empowering movement of redefining Black Love~

SISTERS: (Black women): Are you over the other dating websites deeming Black women as the “least desirable”; when you know that is far from the truth?

Whether you would like to date outside, or inside of your race; Sisters Meet Misters is one of the few online dating websites that is specifically designed to empower Black women (including African American, African, Caribbean, Afro-Latino, Afro-European, Afro-Canadian and Multi-racial Black ancestry) to enhance their dating pool with men, from diverse racial backgrounds, and from all walks of life. Sisters Meet Misters encourages Black women to expand your options by dating men, from different backgrounds, that are interested in getting to know you!

MISTERS: (Men of all cultural backgrounds): Are you fed up with going on a date, after a long day of work, just to be disappointed?

Whether you are a man that is attracted to Black women, or simply open to getting to know a Black woman; Sisters Meet Misters provides men from all racial/ethnic backgrounds: Black, White, Latino, Arab, Asian/Pacific Islander, East Indian, Native American, Multi-racial, you name it—with an opportunity to connect and date “Sisters” aka Black women.

Well, look no further Sisters and Misters, because Sisters Meet Misters (SMM) is the new and premier online dating website for you!

Sisters Meet Misters eliminates the guess work of figuring out whether a man is interested in dating a Black woman, or if a Black woman is interested in dating a certain kind of mister. SMM is a one-of-a kind dating site that targets Black women and men (18 years old and up). SMM encourages you to focus on the qualities you would like in a romantic partner (including, but not limited to: age, appearance, ethnicity, relationship and family status, faith, hobbies and interests, educational status, occupation, location, top characteristics you desire etc.,)

But wait, there is more… Additionally, Sisters Meet Misters offers unique features included…but certainly, not limited to:

  • Onsite audio and video chat
  • Invite to events
  • One-of-a-kind Exclusive Ask a Dating Coach feature: Need dating help? Who doesn’t! We have qualified coaches who can provide digital support to you in your quest to reach your dating goals.

Ultimately, the goal is that you take advantage of these features to possibly bring you one step closer to finding that special someone to share your life with.

Sisters Meet Misters believes that Black love includes the Black woman being loved by a good man…of any color! Join Sisters Meet Misters by signing up for Free to view, search, and start chatting with singles on your desktop or mobile phone today!

Be a part of the growing movement of redefining Black love in the globally-digital world!

With So Much Love,

Sisters Meet Misters Team
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