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The DO’s and DONT’s of Online and Offline Dating Safety Tips

Sisters Meet Misters is dedicated to promoting a safe space for users to connect online. Please join us in our efforts to continue to provide a safe dating space by reporting suspicious activity, scammers, fake accounts and inappropriate behavior etc. Here are some online and offline safety DO’s and DON’T’s tips to keep in mind as you connect with others on

PLEASE NOTE: These are only suggestions from the Sisters Meet Misters team. By using this website you acknowledge that Sisters Meet Misters (SMM) and/or Site Operator, nor any of its affiliates, officers, directors and employees are not liable for any harm or anything arising out of, or in any way connected, with your use of this website.



DO be creative and proactive when creating your profile and using this site. It can be initially tedious to complete your profile, but do invest the time, effort, and energy to illustrate your likes/dislikes, interests, hobbies, values, personality and lifestyle so you can attract the right person. Remember, online dating,-- just like offline dating--can be pretty competitive. Take the time to write a thoughtful note when reaching out to a potential match.

DO post photos that best reveal who you are. First impressions are everything. To enhance your success in connecting with the right person, post photos that reveal who you are, what you look like, and what you would like to attract in a potential match (i.e. if you love to hike, post photos of you hiking photos etc.,)

DO report obscene emails/ photos/ messages, requests for financial information/money, harassment, threats, harmful behavior, spam, and internet fraud on this site using the “Contact Us” or page, or email The Sisters Meet Misters team cares about your safety and we want to know when someone has compromised your well-being on this site.

DO report any user/accounts under the age of 18 years old.

DO access Sisters Meet from your personal electronic devices, or trusted public/shared devices, and maintain initial discussions and exchanges on the Sisters Meet Misters site. Fraudulent or inappropriate users may try to connect with you via your person phone number, email, etc., so it’s important to get to know the user, on the site, and feel comfortable with the user, before exchanging personal information.

DO check users other social media profiles. Do you have a mutual connection?

DO consider if they participate in a video call on the SMM site to confirm that they look like their pictures?

DO be aware of lovebombing, empty promises, corona creepers and trust your intuition

DON’T be fooled. Be suspicious of any person who will not meet, or speak with you via onsite phone/video, after you have taken the time to connect with each other for a while. Trust your intuition. This person may not be who they say they are, and is possibly taking time away from a Sisters Meet Misters user who may be a better fit for you.


DON’T include personal information including but not limited to your full name, residential address, email address, phone number, work address or any other identifying information in your profile.

DON’T rush the online dating process. Be honest about your intentions, preferences, and what you are looking for in a mate. Nevertheless, don’t let your goal to perhaps have a long-term relationship, or possibly get married and have a family, get in the way of you enjoying the journey of dating someone.

DON’T take it personally if a user is not interested. If someone does not follow up with you after a discussion, or does not respond to a request; feel free to move on. Taking this kind of rejection personally may not only make you feel down, but may keep you acknowledging your user matches, and could prevent you from meeting someone that may be a better fit for you.

DON’T continue to talk to anyone who you don’t think is a good fit for you, has a fake profile, has asked about financial information, is trying to sell you a product or a job, or anyone who is requesting financial support or money from you. Please report inappropriate behavior to the “Contact US” page or email so the SMM team may take proper action.



DO trust your intuition. Take the time needed to familiarize yourself with the Sisters Meet Misters site, users, and get to know yourself better in order to decide when you are ready to meet someone offline.

DO exercise good judgement, prioritize your safety, and move with caution when someone is interested in meeting offline.

DO inform your friends and loved ones about the: who, what, when, where? And overall plans of your offline date.

DO have your phone on you, and escort yourself to the first offline date(s).

DO maintain your sobriety. Drinking to the point of intoxication may impair your judgements, decisions, and ability to assess if the person is a good fit for you.

DO develop a Plan B. Just in case the date is not going the way you would like, make sure you are familiar with public transportation, ride share apps, ways to get to your car, ways to exit the location etc., to maximize your safety.

DO follow your intuition. Take any precaution you deem necessary before you decide to meet with a user in-person. Before you decide to meet or date a user in-person, to maximize your safety, feel free to run an internet and/or background check. SMM values your safety. Please share any inappropriate, harmful and unsafe user information to an SMM representative.

DON’T be afraid to leave. If you are not enjoying any part of the date, or if you feel uncomfortable; follow your intuition and leave. If needed, contact a friend, ask the location staff or any other safety outlets for support.


DON’T rush the offline dating process. Similar to online dating, take things slow and really get to know the user before meeting the person offline. SMM offers onsite audio call/video chat to speak on the phone and/or arrange video call(s), prior to meeting offline. Don’t be hesitant to ask about your personal preferences and screening questions prior to meeting offline.

DON’T meet in private. Arrange offline meetings in a public location.

DON’T get picked up, or share the address of your home, workplace or location in which you cherish.

DON’T leave your belongings unattended. Know where your food and drinks are coming from, and keep your phone, personal information, and belongings near you at all times.

DON’T engage in any behavior you are uncomfortable with. If your date encourages you to drink, use drugs, perform sexual favors, or wants you to engage in any activity you are uncomfortable with; know your personal boundaries and conclude the date.
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