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Join the premier and growing online dating site dedicated to Black women and the men, of all cultural backgrounds, that are interested in dating Black women.

Success Stories

Thanks SMM for creating such a much needed platform for Black women to open our dating options up and reclaim our confidence in the dating world. In the past, I wasn’t a fan of online dating because I didn’t feel like Black women were being represented, respected or desired. But that’s not the case with my experience with SMM. It’s like finally the men on this site like me for being me: A Woke, Beautiful and Smart Black woman! I am having a great time connecting with folks who just get it.

~ 28 years old, Washington, DC

As a Corporate Attorney in a big and non-stop busy area like LA, it’s tough to find the time to date. Sisters Meet Misters has provided me to the opportunity connect with quality women! The Black women I have connected with on this site share my same values and are just as ambitious and caring as I am… and most of all, really want to get to know me aside from what I do; which is really refreshing.

~ 36 years old, Los Angeles, CA

After years of dating, with the help of SMM, I finally found my queen! She’s not only beautiful, but caring and she’s got my back. So with that, I am happy to announce we got married and we are expecting our first child soon! I wanna say a BIG thank you to SMM, you guys are the best! And to everyone else out there on their search to find love, hold on there. If I can find my queen on SMM, you can too!

~ 33 years old, Oakland, CA

I found my husband on SMM! I was a single mom of three kids & getting back into the dating scene was not easy. But with some help from the dating coaches with the Ask a Dating Coach feature (and of course, some help from the man above), I was able to get a new-age and very insightful perspective to dating. To make a long story short, I met and married a man, who not only loves me, but loves my kids as well. I recommend SMM and the Ask a Dating Coach feature to all of my friends and to anyone else out there looking for love and companionship.

~ 42 years old, Atlanta, GA

I was born and raised in North Carolina, even attended college there. I got this great job offer and relocated to New York. Although it was exciting, it was challenging to get to know people in such a huge city with different norms. I really liked connecting with people on SMM because like NY; SMM is a melting pot. I have met a special guy and we have amazing chemistry. Thanks to SMM, we are now in a relationship. Now all I do is tell people I know from North Carolina to New York to try out SMM, you don’t know what you’re missing.

~ 25 years old, Brooklyn, NY

Chale from Ghana! I found my sweetheart on this good SMM online dating website. I am proud to say that she lives in the States, and by the grace of God we are making our long distance relationship work out. A beg, please tell everyone across the world about this here SMM.

~ 30 years old, Accra, Ghana

I must admit, I was very much a sceptic with online dating due to poor previous experiences. Not like other spurious sites, I did not run into false profiles. I found SMM to provide something that was superior. You know, I find some of the dating norms of the states to be quite peculiar, and the dating coaches helped me better understand American dating norms. With their support, I met a lovely lady and after some time of flying back and forth from London to Chicago; I am grateful that she will be moving to the UK soon! Although my journey with SMM has ended, I thank SMM so much for this wonderful website. Love truly knows no colour. Wishing SMM a very prosperous future. Cheers!

~ 42 years old, London, UK

Online dating has taken Canada by storm and we have a ton of dating sites to choose from. But, I have always been attracted to Black women. They just have so much confidence, beauty and full of lots of personality. So I just started using SMM, and it is a very nice site, eh? So far-so good. I have met a nice woman, so we’ll see how it goes.

~ 34 years old, Toronto, Ontario
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