Meet singles today!
Join the premier and growing online dating site dedicated to Black women and the men, of all cultural backgrounds, that are interested in dating Black women.

Frequently Asked Questions

Account Related Queries

How do I get started on Sisters Meet Misters?

It will just take a few minutes to set up your account! You need to provide the following information to sign up:
* Username
* Email
* Password
* Gender
* Some Additional Information to help find the right match for you

I did not receive a verification email. What do I do?

If you have not received a confirmation email for your account 3-5 minutes after sign up, try one of the following:
* Check if you have typed your email address correctly
* Check your SPAM folder

If you still don’t receive our confirmation email, contact our support team for assistance at

I forgot my password. How do I log in now?

In an event that you forget your password, you can use the following steps to retrieve/reset it:
* Go to the sign in page
* Click the ‘forgot password’ option below
* Enter your email address on the page that opens
* Use the link/code sent to your email address to reset the password

How do I delete my profile?

We hope you’re leaving us because you found the perfect match here! To delete your account, kindly follow the given steps:
* Click on the ‘your name’ box at the right hand side of the screen of your desktop
* Go to the option ‘Profile Edit’
* Scroll down to the ‘Delete Profile’ option at the bottom of the page and click
* You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete your account
* Press ‘Delete’ to remove your profile
We will miss having you here! You are welcome to come back any time you want.

How do I upload my photo(s)?

You can easily upload photos form the Photos page. Simply click the Photos tab in the menu, then click the Upload photos button.

Features/Use of Website

How do I edit my profile details?

You may alter your profile details or upload pictures with the following steps:
* Login to the website
* Go to the Dashboard page
* Find the 'Welcome' component and click the link you need.

I can’t seem to use the Video Chat feature. Please advise!

You can only use the audio/video chat feature if you have enough credits, you purchased the audio/video chat feature, or if you subscribed to a (Exclusive) Premium membership that includes the audio/video chat feature. Also, you can only use the audio/video chat feature with a user who is currently online. If you want to use the video chat feature, make sure your user is online or arrange a time and schedule a video chat accordingly.

How to change my time zone preferences?

A user can select their preferred time zone by clicking this link

Privacy Concerns

Can I have more than one account on Sisters Meet Misters If I forgot the previous account details?

You are strictly prohibited to use more than ONE account on the website. Multiple accounts could make you liable to breach of our privacy policy.

Sisters Meet Misters has a stringent screening policy so you will be unable to create more than one account. Inn event that you forgot your account details, it is imperative for you to retrieve your previous account, delete it and then create a new one.

How do I stop users from calling or chatting with me

A user has a possibility to restrict the calls/chat messages within the privacy settings.
To see how it works, please go to the Privacy page and find the 'Who can call me' option or 'Who can invite me to chat'.
If you set the 'Only me' option, users won't be able to call/send message to you

How do I prevent user(s) from finding me on the site?

You are entitled to change the privacy settings for your profile. Simply go to the Privacy page and manage the privacy


What are SMM Events and how do I sign up for events?

Feel free to get the information about the SMM Events here

Ask a Dating Coach

What is Ask a Dating Coach?

A dating coach is a professional who provides services aimed at informing or enhancing their clients' success in dating. As an exclusive Ask A Dating Coach user, you may send 1 question per email; 5 emails per month, using the Ask a Dating Coach email form. Our dating coaches aim to respond to your question as soon as possible and on average within 3 business days. We reserve the right to take more time, if necessary, to best assist you and appreciate your patience while dating coaches work on addressing your inquiries.

What is the Ask a Dating Coach feature on the SMM site?

You can find all the available information on the Ask A Dating Coach page

How to cancel the 'Ask a Dating Coach' subscription?

You can easily cancel your subscription by contacting our Support Team through the Contact Us page.

Celebrity Couples Match Quiz

What is a Celebrity Couples Match Quiz?

The SMM Celebrity Couples Match Quiz is a one-of-a kind, quick, and fun celebrity couples match quiz designed by SMM. The goal of the quiz is for you to explore some qualities you, and your ideal match, may share in common with a famous celebrity couple. Who knows? Some of the questions in this quiz may support you in figuring out your likes and dislikes while developing your SMM profile, or while dating.

It is important to note that by using the Celebrity Couples Quiz feature, you agree to answer all questions to the best of your ability and agree to not reuse, copy, steal this Sisters Meet Misters Celebrity Couples Quiz content, format, images and results etc., for personal and/or economic use for any reason. By using this feature you give permission for the SMM Team Site Operator, and any of its affiliates, officers, directors and employees to use response for research, marketing, advertising, etc purposes. Please Note: The SMM team does not personally know any of the celebrities highlighted in the quiz, and all answer choices are based on online research information. and thus may or may not be accurate. SMM cannot guarantee that quiz results will make you similar to a celebrity/celebrities, or attract a person with similar celebrity-like features. Nor can taking this quiz indicates that you are a true match for a particular celebrity/celebrities, or an individual who may have similar qualities to a celebrity/celebrities that you may encounter online or offline.

* SMM reserves the right to change Celebrity Quiz questions, responses, edit and delete the Celebrity Couples Quiz at any time without advanced notice. By using this Celebrity Couples Quiz feature, and this website, you accept that Sisters Meet Misters (SMM) and/or Site Operator, nor any of its affiliates, officers, directors and employees are not liable for any harm, or anything arising out of, or in any way connected, with your use of this feature and/or this website (
*SMM reserves the right to terminate membership for any reason while using this feature and/or the Sisters Meet Misters (SMM) site.

Pricing Policy

Is Sisters Meet Misters free to use?

You can become a member of the website absolutely free of cost.

We offer our members a flexible credits system that allows you to be free in your decisions about what you want. .....

Subscription Questions

How can I cancel the automatic renewal of my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, you need to contact SMM Support Team via Contact Us page and our team will be happy to assist you.

What subscriptions are available and how long do they last?

You can find all available information about the subscriptions on our Memberships page

Contact Us

I have more questions. How do I contact an SMM representative?

The SMM Support Team is happy to answer any questions you may have! Please feel free to Contact Us

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