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~ Catch a Match with our Virtual Speed Dating Events ~

~ Online events are amazing opportunities to have fun and date. ~

Tired of the blind dating & quick flirting from local apps that provide you with users that are far below your expectations?

Do you want to find dating option that may actually suit your interests and expectations?

By attending a Sisters Meet Misters Virtual Speed Dating event, you are engaging in speed dating by video chatting with real people.

Ready To Meet Someone Amazing?

Step 1: Find and attend the event.
Step 2: You will get a detailed explanation about the event via email.
Step 3: Login and enjoy!
You will have approx 5 minutes (or more) to chat with each Virtual Speed Dating attendee in a designated breakout room via Zoom.
Afterwards, you may be able to find user(s) and connect with Virtual Speed Dating attendee(s)on the Sisters Meet Misters website, and continue your dating adventure.

Why waste your time scrolling profiles. Join Us Today!

Feel free to check out the next Virtual Speed Dating Event on our EVENTS page. COMING SOON!
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