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Celebrity couples match quiz questions

Take this quick and fun Sisters Meet Misters (SMM) Celebrity Couples Match Quiz! Explore some qualities you, and your ideal match, may share in common with a famous celebrity couple. Who knows? Some of the questions in this quiz may support you in figuring out your likes and dislikes while developing your SMM profile, or while dating.

Select 1 response for each question
1) What type of celebrities do you like (the most)?
2) What would you like to be famous for?
3) What would you or your ideal match think about social media usage?
4) My favorite food, or my ideal match's favorite food (on the list below), would be?
5) What type of music would you, or your ideal match, enjoy listening to?
6) If I had to choose (from the list below), my ideal match or my own favorite colors would be?
7) If I had to choose (from the list below), my ideal match or my favorite hobbies would be?
8) If I had to choose (from the list below), my ideal match or I would have lived in the following places:
9) I am:
**By using the Celebrity Couples Quiz feature, you agree to answer all questions to the best of your ability and agree to not reuse, copy, steal this Sisters Meet Misters Celebrity Couples Quiz content, format, images and results etc., for personal and/or economic use for any reason. By using this feature you give permission for the SMM Team Site Operator, and any of its affiliates, officers, directors and employees to use response for research, marketing, advertising, etc purposes. Please Note: The SMM team does not personally know any of the celebrities highlighted in the quiz, and all answer choices are based on online research information. and thus may or may not be accurate. *SMM cannot guarantee that quiz results will make you similar to a celebrity/celebrities, or attract a person with similar celebrity-like features. Nor can taking this quiz indicates that you are a true match for a particular celebrity/celebrities, or an individual who may have similar qualities to a celebrity/celebrities that you may encounter online or offline.* SMM reserves the right to change Celebrity Quiz questions, responses, edit and delete the Celebrity Couples Quiz at any time without advanced notice. By using this Celebrity Couples Quiz feature, and this website, you accept that Sisters Meet Misters (SMM) and/or Site Operator, nor any of its affiliates, officers, directors and employees are not liable for any harm, or anything arising out of, or in any way connected, with your use of this feature and/or this website ( SMM reserves the right to terminate membership for any reason while using this feature and/or the Sisters Meet Misters (SMM) site.
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